"AN EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES" is a term that aptly describes the excess of cultural resources of new orleans and its meandering histories. birthplace of jazz. complex cuisine borne by interwoven narratives. creativity dangling from every live oak. second lines. 


An Embarrassment of Riches is an entrepreneurial project that reflects a passion for the New Orleans-centric, with a focus on the Trinity of Art, Food, and Music. This is proposed with the understanding that those realms spill into one another. Our first offerings will be T-Shirts and Foodie Treats. The T-Shirts use original designs, screen-printed from hand-cut stencils. The subject matter is inspired by local lore, affect, and personalities (to some, "heroes").  Our Foodie Treats are an evolving selection of sweet and savory sauces and preserves informed by seasonal cycles with an emphasis on local traditions and ingredients. More to come!


Hand-cut stencil for the Jelly Roll Morton tee